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Elegance Taxi Bucharest | Bucharest Airport Transfer

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Categorie: Transport de Persoane
Titlu: Elegance Taxi Bucharest | Bucharest Airport Transfer
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Descriere activitate: Taxi in Bucharest, airport transfers and car rental with driver Premium & Business with Mercedes-Benz cars only.
Profil Site / Companie: Elegance Taxi is known for exceptional customer services and experienced, courteous drivers. Reliable chauffeurs make everything for your safety and comfort. All drivers are licensed, professionally trained, and fully insured. Our Mercedes-Benz and an efficient booking system make every ride to be a pleasant experience for everyone. All vehicles are in a perfect technical condition, very clean, well maintained, endowed with a regular license issued by the competent local authority and regular permit and insurance for the transport of peoples as provided by law. Certified ISO9001:2008/SR EN ISO9001:2008 nr.09/RSC00879/0001/RO. YOU DON’T PAY IN ADVANCE. To your advantage: pay to the driver (exception some long distance interCity bookings). Get confirmation quickly. Once booking acknowledgement is made, you will receive an email or phone confirmation shortly. Different types of available vehicles. Taxis, Limousines and Minibuses always at your disposal. Availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week - 24/7 phone support. Always pay a flat rate, even when there is heavy rain, traffic, or demands. Onboard full credit card services, cashless payments and always predictable pricing. Customized service for events, VIPs or meeting executives. We are experts on ground transportation to airports, hotels, company meetings, conventions and more. So ... let us help you to find what you are looking for. One of our friendly representant will be happy to assist you. Enjoy the journey with us!
Cuvinte Cheie: bucharest taxi , bucharest airport taxi transfers , cheap airport taxi bucharest , bucharest airport transfer , bucharest transfer reservation , bucharest taxi reservation
Link adaugat: Sep 24, 2016

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